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Full paper

Semantic Segmentation of the Intertidal Zone of an Estuary—In Search of the Best Solution

Participants in the publication
M. C. Proença (Author)
Dep. Física
Ricardo Nogueira Mendes (Author)
Dep. Biologia Animal
Ricardo Melo (Author)
Dep. Biologia Vegetal

An aerial photographic coverage acquired on two consecutive days in October 2021 with a ground resolution of 20 cm and a spectral resolution of 4 bands (red, green, blue and near infrared), allowed to distinguish most of the classes of interest present in the intertidal zone of the Sado estuary. We explored the possibilities of thematic classification in the powerful and complex software ArcGIS Pro; we presented the methodology used in a detailed way that allows others with minimal knowledge of GIS to reproduce the classification process without having to decipher the specifics of the software. The classification implemented used ground truth from four classes related to the macro-occupations of the area. In a first phase we explore the standard algorithms with object-based capabilities, like K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Trees Forest and Support Vector Machine, and in a second phase we proceed to test three deep learning classifiers that provide semantic segmentation: a U-Net configuration, a Pyramid Scene Parsing Network and DeepLabV3. The resulting classifications were quantitatively evaluated with a set of 500 control points in a test area of 37,500 × 12,500 pixels, using confusion matrices and resorting to Cohen’s kappa statistic and the concept of global accuracy, achieving a Kappa in the range [0.72, 0.81] and a global accuracy between 88.9% and 92.9%; the option U-Net had the most interesting results. This work establishes a methodology to provide a baseline for assessing future changes in the distribution of Sado estuarine habitats, which can be replicated in other wetland ecosystems for conservation and management purposes.

Date of Publication

Where published
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection

Publication Identifiers
ISSN - 2327-4344


Number of pages
Starting page
Last page

Document Identifiers

SCIMAGO Q3 (2023) - Environmental Science - Nature and Landscape Conservation

Estuary Intertidal Zone ArcGIS Pro Segmentation Global Changes



M. C. Proença, Ricardo Nogueira Mendes, Ricardo Melo, (2024). Semantic Segmentation of the Intertidal Zone of an Estuary—In Search of the Best Solution. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection , 12, 1-13. ISSN 2327-4344. eISSN .

M. C. Proença, Ricardo Nogueira Mendes, Ricardo Melo, "Semantic Segmentation of the Intertidal Zone of an Estuary—In Search of the Best Solution" in Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection , vol. 12, pp. 1-13, 2024. 10.4236/gep.2024.127001

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