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Publications for rmcardoso
National Roadmap for Adaptation 2100: Portuguese Territorial Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for XXI Century – Report WP7: Regional Adaptation Storylines
Soares P.M.M. et al., with 25 authors including:
Soares P.M.M.
Antunes C.
Cardoso R.M.
Book chapters
National Roadmap for Adaptation 2100: Portuguese Territorial Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for XXI Century – Report WP5: Measures and Costs of Adaptation
Soares P.M. et al., with 24 authors including:
Soares P.M.
Antunes C.
Cardoso R.M.
Book chapters
How persistent and hazardous will extreme temperature events become in a warming Portugal?
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C.A. Lima
Pedro M.M. Soares
Journal articles
Regional wave climate projections forced by
winds for the Black Sea and Sea of Azov towards the end of the 21st century
Recep Emre Çakmak et al., with 7 authors including:
Gil Lemos
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS convection
L. Sangelantoni et al., with 24 authors including:
R. M. Cardoso
P. M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Evaluation of the performance of a dynamic wave climate ensemble simulated using with EURO-CORDEX winds in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov
Recep Emre Çakmak et al., with 7 authors including:
Rita M Cardoso
Journal articles
The added value of km-scale simulations to describe temperature over complex orography: the CORDEX FPS-Convection multi-model ensemble runs over the Alps
P. M. M. Soares et al., with 28 authors including:
P. M. M. Soares
J. A. M. Careto
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
A Review on the Current Status of Numerical Weather Prediction in Portugal 2021: Surface–Atmosphere Interactions
Maria José Monteiro et al., with 9 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
João P. A. Martins
Journal articles
Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect
Anne Sophie Daloz et al., with 20 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Is there added value in the EURO-CORDEX hindcast temperature simulations? Assessing the added value using climate distributions in Europe
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Evaluation of the performance of a dynamic wave climate ensemble simulated using with
winds in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov
Recep Emre Çakmak et al., with 7 authors including:
Gil Lemos
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 2: The role of changing vegetation
Priscilla A. Mooney et al., with 17 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Added value of the EURO-CORDEX high-resolution downscaling over the Iberian Peninsula revisited. Part II: Max and Min Temperature
João António Martins Careto
Pedro Miguel Matos Soares
Rita Margarida Cardoso
Sixto Herrera
José Manuel Gutiérrez
Journal articles
Added value of EURO-CORDEX high-resolution downscaling over the Iberian Peninsula revisited – Part 1: Precipitation
João António Martins Careto
Pedro Miguel Matos Soares
Rita Margarida Cardoso
Sixto Herrera
José Manuel Guttiérrez
Journal articles
Convection-permitting climate models Offer More Certain Extreme Rainfall Projections
Giorgia Fosser et al., with 20 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Conference papers
Response of the surface climate to different groundwater options using the WRF model
Daniela C.A. Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M.M. Soares
Conference papers
A new ensemble-based SPI and SPEI index to depict droughts projections for the Iberia Peninsula with the EURO-CORDEX
João A.M. Careto
Pedro M.M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ana Russo
Daniela C. A. Lima
Conference papers
Climate change effects in a Mediterranean island and streamflow changes for a small area using EURO-CORDEX simulations combined with the SWAT model
Pier Andrea Marras et al., with 7 authors including:
Daniela C.A. Lima
Pedro M.M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Conference papers
Afforestation impact on soil temperature in regional climate model simulations over Europe
Giannis Sofiadis et al., with 15 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Modeling reservoir surface temperatures for regional and global climate models: a multi-model study on the inflow and level variation effects
Manuel C. Almeida et al., with 9 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Influência do acoplamento terra-atmosfera durante a onda de calor do verão de 2015
Caetano, Sara Patrícia Almeida
Cardoso, Rita Margarida
Martins, João Paulo Afonso
Academic documents
Future precipitation in a Mediterranean island and streamflow changes for a small basin using EURO-CORDEX regional climate simulations and the SWAT model
Pier Andrea Marras et al., with 7 authors including:
Daniela C.A. Lima
Pedro M.M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Land-atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX FPS LUCAS models: Part II. The role of changing vegetation
Priscilla A. Mooney et al., with 17 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Added value of the EURO-CORDEX high-resolution downscaling over the Iberian Peninsula revisited. Part II: Max and Min Temperature
João António Martins Careto
Pedro Miguel Matos Soares
Rita Margarida Cardoso
Sixto Herrera
José Manuel Gutiérrez
Journal articles
Added value of EURO-CORDEX high-resolution downscaling over the Iberian Peninsula revisited – Part 2: Max and min temperature
João António Martins Careto
Pedro Miguel Matos Soares
Rita Margarida Cardoso
Sixto Herrera
José Manuel Gutiérrez
Journal articles
The impact of climate change in wheat and barley yields in the Iberian Peninsula
Virgílio A. Bento et al., with 6 authors including:
Virgílio A. Bento
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
A high-resolution view of the recent drought trends over the Iberian Peninsula
Patrícia Páscoa et al., with 7 authors including:
Ana Russo
Pedro M.M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution part 2: historical and future simulations of precipitation
Emanuela Pichelli et al., with 26 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Internal variability versus multi-physics uncertainty in a regional climate model
Alvaro Lavin-Gullon et al., with 15 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
The present and future offshore wind resource in the Southwestern African region
Daniela C. A. Lima et al., with 6 authors including:
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
An Analysis of Fog in the Mainland Portuguese International Airports
Pedro M. P. Guerreiro
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Alexandre M. Ramos
Journal articles
The Opposing Effects of Reforestation and Afforestation on the Diurnal Temperature Cycle at the Surface and in the Lowest Atmospheric Model Level in the European Summer
M. Breil et al., with 14 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean
Erika Coppola et al., with 54 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Evaluation of the EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Models Over the Iberian Peninsula: Observational Uncertainty Analysis
S. Herrera
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
J. M. Gutiérrez
Journal articles
Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community
Daniela Jacob et al., with 67 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Biogeophysical impacts of forestation in Europe: first results from the LUCAS (Land Use and Climate Across Scales) regional climate model intercomparison
Edouard L. Davin et al., with 18 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Iberia01: a new gridded dataset of daily precipitation and temperatures over Iberia
Sixto Herrera et al., with 6 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Process-based evaluation of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment of statistical downscaling methods
Pedro M. M. Soares et al., with 13 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Land-Atmosphere Coupling Regimes in a Future Climate in Africa: From Model Evaluation to Projections Based on CORDEX-Africa
Pedro M. M. Soares
João A. M. Careto
Rita M. Cardoso
Klaus Goergen
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
Uncertainty in gridded precipitation products: Influence of station density, interpolation method and grid resolution
Sixto Herrera et al., with 7 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Mapping the suitability of groundwater-dependent vegetation in a semi-arid Mediterranean area
Inês Gomes Marques et al., with 8 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Célia M. Gouveia
Cathy Kurz Besson
Journal articles
Impact of climate change on building cooling potential of direct ventilation and evaporative cooling: A high resolution view for the Iberian Peninsula
Hugo Campaniço
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Pierre Hollmuller
Journal articles
How Will a Warming Climate Affect the Benguela Coastal Low-Level Wind Jet?
Daniela C. A. Lima et al., with 6 authors including:
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Validation of spatial variability in downscaling results from the VALUE perfect predictor experiment
Martin Widmann et al., with 15 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Challenges to link climate change data provision and user needs: Perspective from the COST-action VALUE
O. Rössler et al., with 12 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
A Climatological Analysis of the Benguela Coastal Low-Level Jet
Daniela C. A. Lima et al., with 6 authors including:
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
An intercomparison of a large ensemble of statistical downscaling methods over Europe: Results from the VALUE perfect predictor cross-validation experiment
J. M. Gutiérrez et al., with 38 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Mean and extreme temperatures in a warming climate: EURO CORDEX and WRF regional climate high-resolution projections for Portugal
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
Assessing the climate change impact on the North African offshore surface wind and coastal low-level jet using coupled and uncoupled regional climate simulations
Pedro M. M. Soares et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C. A. Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
High-resolution multi-model projections of onshore wind resources over Portugal under a changing climate
Miguel Nogueira
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo Tomé
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Observational uncertainty and regional climate model evaluation: A pan-European perspective
Sven Kotlarski et al., with 17 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
The North African coastal low level wind jet: a high resolution view
Pedro M. M. Soares et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C. A. Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Using high-resolution simulated climate projections in forest process-based modelling
J.H.N. Palma
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
T.S. Oliveira
M. Tomé
Journal articles
Land-Atmosphere Coupling in CORDEX-Africa: Hindcast Regional Climate Simulations
João A. M. Careto
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
A simple method to assess the added value using high-resolution climate distributions: application to the EURO-CORDEX daily precipitation
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Impacto das alterações climáticas no recurso solar em África
Ana Francisca Prista Caetano Ferrari
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Academic documents
Spatial and temporal variability of the Iberian Peninsula coastal low-level jet
Nadia Rijo et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Daniela Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
The unprecedented 2014 Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Portugal: atmospheric driving mechanisms
Ana Russo et al., with 6 authors including:
Ana Russo
Célia M. Gouveia
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
A Global View of Coastal Low-Level Wind Jets Using an Ensemble of Reanalyses
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. M. Soares
Alvaro Semedo
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Dynamical and statistical downscaling of a global seasonal hindcast in eastern Africa
Grigory Nikulin et al., with 20 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo Tome
Journal articles
Future precipitation in Portugal: high-resolution projections using WRF model and EURO-CORDEX multi-model ensembles
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
The land-atmosphere coupling and climate extremes in Africa
João António Martins Careto
Cardoso, Rita Margarida Antunes de Paula
Soares, Pedro Miguel Matos
Academic documents
High resolution projections for the western Iberian coastal low level jet in a changing climate
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Daniela C. A. Lima
Alvaro Semedo
Journal articles
Western Iberian offshore wind resources: More or less in a global warming climate?
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C.A. Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Manuel L. Nascimento
Alvaro Semedo
Journal articles
Land-atmosphere coupling in EURO-CORDEX evaluation experiments
Sebastian Knist et al., with 24 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Efeito das alterações climáticas recentes no crescimento e densidade radial do Pinheiro bravo no Alentejo
Cathy Kurz-Besson et al., with 12 authors including:
Cathy Kurz-Besson
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ana Russo
Ricardo M. Trigo
Célia M. Gouveia
Journal articles
Comparison and Validation of WRF Model Physics Parameterizations Over the Domain of Greece
N. Politi et al., with 8 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Book chapters
Effects of Recent Minimum Temperature and Water Deficit Increases on Pinus pinaster Radial Growth and Wood Density in Southern Portugal
Cathy Kurz-Besson et al., with 12 authors including:
Cathy Kurz-Besson
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ana Russo
Catherine Mériaux
Ricardo M. Trigo
Célia M. Gouveia
Journal articles
Probabilistic fire spread forecast as a management tool in an operational setting
Renata M.S. Pinto et al., with 8 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ricardo M. Trigo
Journal articles
The impact of climate change on the global coastal low-level wind jets: EC-EARTH simulations
Alvaro Semedo et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C. A. Lima
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M.A. Miranda
Journal articles
The impact of climate change on the Iberian low-level wind jet: EURO-CORDEX regional climate simulation
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Daniela C. A. Lima
Alvaro Semedo
Journal articles
Climatic cooling potential and building cooling demand savings: High resolution spatiotemporal analysis of direct ventilation and evaporative cooling for the Iberian Peninsula
Hugo Campaniço
Pedro M. M. Soares
Pierre Hollmuller
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
The summer diurnal cycle of coastal cloudiness over west Iberia using Meteosat/SEVIRI and WRF regional climate model simulation
Martins JPA et al., with 7 authors including:
Martins JPA
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Tomé R
Journal articles
Structure and variability of the Oman coastal low-level jet
Raza Ranjha
Michael Tjernström
Alvaro Semedo
Gunilla Svensson
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Climate change and the Portuguese precipitation: ENSEMBLES regional climate models results
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Ferreira JJ
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
On the year-to-year changes of the Iberian Poleward Current
Teles-Machado A et al., with 6 authors including:
Teles-Machado A
Peliz A
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
Integrated Analysis of Climate, Soil, Topography and Vegetative Growth in Iberian Viticultural Regions
Fraga H et al., with 8 authors including:
Cardoso RM
Soares PMM
Conference papers
The Impact of a Warmer Climate on the Global Coastal Low-Level Wind Jets
Lima DCA
Soares PMM
Cardoso RM
Semedo A
Conference papers
Thermal stratification of Portuguese reservoirs: potential impact of extreme climate scenarios
Almeida MC et al., with 7 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
The Northerly Summer Wind off the West Coast of the Iberian Peninsula
Rijo N et al., with 6 authors including:
Daniela C. A. Lima
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Book chapters
Ciclo diurno das nuvens costeiras na costa oeste da Península Ibérica e a sua relação com as circulações térmicas
Martins JPA et al., with 6 authors including:
Martins JPA
Cardoso RM
Soares PMM
Conference papers
Hindcast regional climate simulations within EURO-CORDEX: evaluation of a WRF multi-physics ensemble
Katragkou E et al., with 19 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Inter-annual variability and long term predictability of exchanges through the Strait of Gibraltar
Dmitri Boutov et al., with 8 authors including:
Dmitri Boutov
Álvaro Peliz
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles
Integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth in Iberian viticultural regions
Fraga H et al., with 8 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Moisture recycling in the Iberian Peninsula from a regional climate simulation: Spatiotemporal analysis and impact on the precipitation regime
Rios-Entenza A
Pedro M. M. Soares
Ricardo M. Trigo
Rita M. Cardoso
Miguez-Macho G
Journal articles
Climatology of the Iberia Coastal Low-Level Wind Jet: Weather Research Forecasting Model High-Resolution Results
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Semedo A
Chinita MJ
Ranjha R
Journal articles
Estudo da estrutura do campo do vapor de água em tempestades severas em Portugal continental
Maria João Chinita
Miranda, Pedro M. A.
Cardoso, Rita Margarida Antunes de Paula
Academic documents
Estimation of extreme events from spatial rainfall data
Ferreira A
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Conference papers
WRF high resolution simulation of Iberian mean and extreme precipitation climate
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. M. Soares
Pedro M. A. Miranda
M. Belo-Pereira
Journal articles
The Gulf of Cadiz-Alboran Sea sub-basin: Model setup, exchange and seasonal variability
Alvaro Peliz
Dmitri Boutov
Rita M. Cardoso
Javier Delgado
Pedro M. M. Soares
Journal articles
Upwelling na costa Atlântica da Península Ibérica: análise de uma simulação regional de clima
Lopes, Francisco Manuel Tavares
Tavares, Margarida Cardoso
Soares, Pedro Miguel Matos
Academic documents
Assessment of the ENSEMBLES regional climate models in the representation of precipitation variability and extremes over Portugal
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Viterbo, P
Belo-Pereira, M
Journal articles
WRF high resolution dynamical downscaling of ERA-Interim for Portugal
Pedro M. M. Soares et al., with 6 authors including:
Pedro M. M. Soares
Rita M. Cardoso
Pedro M. A. Miranda
Journal articles
Mountain Waves and Rotors in East Falkland-test case simulations
Rita Cardoso
Pedro M. Soares
S. Mobbs
Pedro M. Miranda
Book chapters
Asymptotic gravity wave drag expressions for non-hydrostatic, rotating flow over a ridge
Teixeira, M.A.C.
Miranda, P.M.A.
Cardoso, R.M.
Journal articles
Observations of downslope winds and rotors in the Falkland Islands
S.D. Mobbs et al., with 9 authors including:
Rita M. Cardoso
Journal articles