Alves C., Vieira C., Sérgio C., Garcia C., Stow S., Hespanhol H., (2015). Where the wild things are: is the higher taxa approach an effective method for selecting important areas for bryophyte conservation?. XX Simpósio de Botânica Criptogâmica, -
Alves C., Vieira C., Sérgio C., Garcia C., Stow S., Hespanhol H., "Where the wild things are: is the higher taxa approach an effective method for selecting important areas for bryophyte conservation?" in XX Simpósio de Botânica Criptogâmica, Porto, Portugal, 2015, pp. -,
author = {Alves C. and Vieira C. and Sérgio C. and Garcia C. and Stow S. and Hespanhol H.},
title = {Where the wild things are: is the higher taxa approach an effective method for selecting important areas for bryophyte conservation?},
booktitle = {XX Simpósio de Botânica Criptogâmica},
year = 2015,
pages = {-},
address = {Porto, Portugal},
publisher = {}