Francisco A, L. Ascensão, (2012). Comparative micromorphological analysis of the labellum in the two subspecies of Ophrys speculum (Orchidaceae) occurring in Portugal. XLVI Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia (SPMicros 2012), -
Francisco A, L. Ascensão, "Comparative micromorphological analysis of the labellum in the two subspecies of Ophrys speculum (Orchidaceae) occurring in Portugal" in XLVI Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia (SPMicros 2012), Lisboa, Portugal, 2012, pp. -,
author = {Francisco A and L. Ascensão},
title = {Comparative micromorphological analysis of the labellum in the two subspecies of Ophrys speculum (Orchidaceae) occurring in Portugal},
booktitle = {XLVI Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia (SPMicros 2012)},
year = 2012,
pages = {-},
address = {Lisboa, Portugal},
publisher = {}