Vojislav Mitić, Cristina Serpa, Ivana Ilić, Markus Mohr, Hans-Jörg Fecht, (2021). Fractal Nature of Advanced Ni-Based Superalloys Solidified on Board the International Space Station. Remote Sensing, 13, 1724-1916. ISSN 2072-4292. eISSN . http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rs13091724
Vojislav Mitić, Cristina Serpa, Ivana Ilić, Markus Mohr, Hans-Jörg Fecht, "Fractal Nature of Advanced Ni-Based Superalloys Solidified on Board the International Space Station" in Remote Sensing, vol. 13, pp. 1724-1916, 2021.
author = {Vojislav Mitić and Cristina Serpa and Ivana Ilić and Markus Mohr and Hans-Jörg Fecht},
title = {Fractal Nature of Advanced Ni-Based Superalloys Solidified on Board the International Space Station},
journal = {Remote Sensing},
year = 2021,
pages = {1724-1916},
volume = 13