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Current status and emerging techniques for measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues

Participantes na publicação
E. Porter (Author)
L. Farrugia (Author)
P. Prakash (Author)
R.C. Conceição (Author)
Dep. Física
D. Shrivastava (Author)
R. Scapaticci (Author)
S. Mandija (Author)
M. Cavagnaro (Author)
S. Curto (Author)

Data de Aceitação
Data de Publicação

ASME Open Journal of Engineering

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E. Porter, L. Farrugia, P. Prakash, R.C. Conceição, D. Shrivastava, R. Scapaticci, S. Mandija, M. Cavagnaro, S. Curto, (2024). Current status and emerging techniques for measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues. ASME Open Journal of Engineering,

E. Porter, L. Farrugia, P. Prakash, R.C. Conceição, D. Shrivastava, R. Scapaticci, S. Mandija, M. Cavagnaro, S. Curto, "Current status and emerging techniques for measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues" in ASME Open Journal of Engineering, 2024.

@article{60602, author = {E. Porter and L. Farrugia and P. Prakash and R.C. Conceição and D. Shrivastava and R. Scapaticci and S. Mandija and M. Cavagnaro and S. Curto}, title = {Current status and emerging techniques for measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues}, journal = {ASME Open Journal of Engineering}, year = 2024, }