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Annotate Smarter, Not Harder: Using Active Learning to Reduce Emotional Annotation Effort

Participantes na publicação
Soraia M. Alarcão (Author)
Dep. Informática
Vânia Mendonça (Author)
Dep. Informática
Dep. Informática
Cláudia Sevivas (Author)
Carolina Maruta (Author)
Manuel J. Fonseca (Author)
Dep. Informática

The success of supervised models for emotion recognition on images heavily depends on the availability of images properly annotated. Although millions of images are presently available, only a few are annotated with reliable emotional information. Current emotion recognition solutions either use large amounts of weakly-labeled web images, which often contain noise that is unrelated to the emotions of the image, or transfer learning, which usually results in performance losses. Thus, it would be desirable to know which images would be useful to be annotated to avoid an extensive annotation effort. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on active learning to choose which images are more relevant to be annotated. Our approach dynamically combines multiple active learning strategies and learns the best ones (without prior knowledge of the best ones). Experiments using nine benchmark datasets revealed that: (i) active learning allows to reduce the annotation effort, while reaching or surpassing the performance of a supervised baseline with as little as 3% to 18% of the baseline's training set, in classification tasks; (ii) our online combination of multiple strategies converges to the performance of the best individual strategies, while avoiding the experimentation overhead needed to identify them.

Data de Publicação

IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

Identificadores da Publicação
ISSN - 1949-3045

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Número de Páginas
Página Inicial
Página Final

Identificadores do Documento

Identificadores de Qualidade
SCIMAGO Q1 (2022) - 1.905 - Human-Computer Interaction

Exportar referência

Soraia M. Alarcão, Vânia Mendonça, Cláudia Sevivas, Carolina Maruta, Manuel J. Fonseca, (2023). Annotate Smarter, Not Harder: Using Active Learning to Reduce Emotional Annotation Effort. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 1-14. ISSN 1949-3045. eISSN .

Soraia M. Alarcão, Vânia Mendonça, Cláudia Sevivas, Carolina Maruta, Manuel J. Fonseca, "Annotate Smarter, Not Harder: Using Active Learning to Reduce Emotional Annotation Effort" in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, pp. 1-14, 2023. 10.1109/taffc.2023.3329563

@article{59656, author = {Soraia M. Alarcão and Vânia Mendonça and Cláudia Sevivas and Carolina Maruta and Manuel J. Fonseca}, title = {Annotate Smarter, Not Harder: Using Active Learning to Reduce Emotional Annotation Effort}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing}, year = 2023, pages = {1-14}, }