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Lopes P., Acácio M., Rainho A., Meyer C., Palmeirim J.M.., (2013). Importance of the vegetation associated with rock outcrops
for Montado birds. ICAAM International Conference 2013- MONTADOS and DEHESAS as High Nature Value Farming Systems: implications for classification and policy support, -
Lopes P., Acácio M., Rainho A., Meyer C., Palmeirim J.M.., "Importance of the vegetation associated with rock outcrops
for Montado birds" in ICAAM International Conference 2013- MONTADOS and DEHESAS as High Nature Value Farming Systems: implications for classification and policy support, Évora, Portugal, 2013, pp. -,
author = {Lopes P. and Acácio M. and Rainho A. and Meyer C. and Palmeirim J.M..},
title = {Importance of the vegetation associated with rock outcrops
for Montado birds},
booktitle = {ICAAM International Conference 2013- MONTADOS and DEHESAS as High Nature Value Farming Systems: implications for classification and policy support},
year = 2013,
pages = {-},
address = {Évora, Portugal},
publisher = {}