Exportar referência
Ana Navarro, Tomás Castro, João Sá, João Catalão, Pedro Benevides, Hugo Costa, Mário Caetano, (2023). The potential of SAR data for detecting deforestation in mountainous and sparse forested areas: the case of northern Portugal. Proc. SPIE 12732, Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications II, 1273208 (17 October 2023), -
Ana Navarro, Tomás Castro, João Sá, João Catalão, Pedro Benevides, Hugo Costa, Mário Caetano, "The potential of SAR data for detecting deforestation in mountainous and sparse forested areas: the case of northern Portugal" in Proc. SPIE 12732, Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications II, 1273208 (17 October 2023), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023, pp. -,
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2678995
author = {Ana Navarro and Tomás Castro and João Sá and João Catalão and Pedro Benevides and Hugo Costa and Mário Caetano},
title = {The potential of SAR data for detecting deforestation in mountainous and sparse forested areas: the case of northern Portugal},
booktitle = {Proc. SPIE 12732, Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications II, 1273208 (17 October 2023)},
year = 2023,
pages = {-},
address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
publisher = {SPIE}