Pedro Mocho, F. Escaso, L. Chiappe, (2019). Gnatalie quarry, a window to understand the dinosaurian paleodiversity of the Late Jurassic of Southeastern Utah (Morrison Fm., USA). 11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts. PaleoBios36 (Supplement 1)., 251-252
Pedro Mocho, F. Escaso, L. Chiappe, "Gnatalie quarry, a window to understand the dinosaurian paleodiversity of the Late Jurassic of Southeastern Utah (Morrison Fm., USA)" in 11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts. PaleoBios36 (Supplement 1)., , 2019, pp. 251-252,
author = {Pedro Mocho and F. Escaso and L. Chiappe},
title = {Gnatalie quarry, a window to understand the dinosaurian paleodiversity of the Late Jurassic of Southeastern Utah (Morrison Fm., USA)},
booktitle = {11th North American Paleontological Conference Program with Abstracts. PaleoBios36 (Supplement 1).},
year = 2019,
pages = {251-252},
address = {},
publisher = {}