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Lo Hueco quarry (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Central Spain), a puzzle of articulated titanosaurian tails

Participantes na publicação
Pedro Mocho (Author)
Dep. Geologia
F. Escaso (Author)
F. Marcos-Fernández (Author)
A. Páramo (Author)
D. Vidal (Author)
F. Ortega (Author)

Belvedere M., Mecozzi B., Amore O., Sardella R

Data de Publicação

Abstract book of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, 27th June-2nd July 2022. PalaeoVertebrata, Special Volume 1-2022, 224

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Pedro Mocho, F. Escaso, F. Marcos-Fernández, A. Páramo, D. Vidal, F. Ortega, (2022). Lo Hueco quarry (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Central Spain), a puzzle of articulated titanosaurian tails. Abstract book of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, 27th June-2nd July 2022. PalaeoVertebrata, Special Volume 1-2022, 224, 224-224

Pedro Mocho, F. Escaso, F. Marcos-Fernández, A. Páramo, D. Vidal, F. Ortega, "Lo Hueco quarry (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Central Spain), a puzzle of articulated titanosaurian tails" in Abstract book of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, 27th June-2nd July 2022. PalaeoVertebrata, Special Volume 1-2022, 224, , 2022, pp. 224-224, doi:

@InProceedings{58352, author = {Pedro Mocho and F. Escaso and F. Marcos-Fernández and A. Páramo and D. Vidal and F. Ortega}, title = {Lo Hueco quarry (Upper Cretaceous, Cuenca, Central Spain), a puzzle of articulated titanosaurian tails}, booktitle = {Abstract book of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, 27th June-2nd July 2022. PalaeoVertebrata, Special Volume 1-2022, 224}, year = 2022, pages = {224-224}, address = {}, publisher = {} }