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Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the Azores

Participantes na publicação
Nora Richter (Author)
James M. Russell (Author)
Linda Amaral-Zettler (Author)
Wylie DeGroff (Author)
Pedro M. Raposeiro (Author)
Vítor Gonçalves (Author)
Erik J. de Boer (Author)
Sergi Pla-Rabes (Author)
Armand Hernández (Author)
Mario Benavente (Author)
Catarina Ritter (Author)
Alberto Sáez (Author)
Roberto Bao (Author)
Ricardo M. Trigo (Author)
Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749–016, Lisboa, Portugal
Dep. Engenharia Geográfica, Geofísica e Energia
Ricardo Prego (Author)
Santiago Giralt (Author)

Data de Publicação

Quaternary Science Reviews

Identificadores da Publicação
ISSN - 0277-3791

Elsevier BV


Página Inicial

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Identificadores de Qualidade
SCIMAGO Q1 (2021) - 1694 - Archeology
SCOPUS Q1 (2021) - 7.3 - Global and Planetary Change

Exportar referência

Nora Richter, James M. Russell, Linda Amaral-Zettler, Wylie DeGroff, Pedro M. Raposeiro, Vítor Gonçalves, Erik J. de Boer, Sergi Pla-Rabes, Armand Hernández, Mario Benavente, Catarina Ritter, Alberto Sáez, Roberto Bao, Ricardo M. Trigo, Ricardo Prego, Santiago Giralt, (2022). Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the Azores. Quaternary Science Reviews, 285, ISSN 0277-3791. eISSN .

Nora Richter, James M. Russell, Linda Amaral-Zettler, Wylie DeGroff, Pedro M. Raposeiro, Vítor Gonçalves, Erik J. de Boer, Sergi Pla-Rabes, Armand Hernández, Mario Benavente, Catarina Ritter, Alberto Sáez, Roberto Bao, Ricardo M. Trigo, Ricardo Prego, Santiago Giralt, "Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the Azores" in Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 285, 2022. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107525

@article{58178, author = {Nora Richter and James M. Russell and Linda Amaral-Zettler and Wylie DeGroff and Pedro M. Raposeiro and Vítor Gonçalves and Erik J. de Boer and Sergi Pla-Rabes and Armand Hernández and Mario Benavente and Catarina Ritter and Alberto Sáez and Roberto Bao and Ricardo M. Trigo and Ricardo Prego and Santiago Giralt}, title = {Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the Azores}, journal = {Quaternary Science Reviews}, year = 2022, volume = 285 }