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Conference papers
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Reference Data for Thermophysical Properties of Molten Salts. A Necessary Approach
Participants in the publication
Carlos Nieto de Castro (Author)
Dep. Química e Bioquímica
Maria José Lourenço (Author)
Dep. Química e Bioquímica
Fernando José Santos (Author)
Dep. Química e Bioquímica
Valentim Nunes (Author)
Molten salts are a very relevant member of industrial fluids for high temperature applications, such as catalytic medium for coal gasification, molten salt oxidation of wastes or latent, sensible heat storage/transfer and solar and nuclear power station operations. These kind of technologies operate in ranges of temperature for which molten salts are particularly adequate, due to its main characteristics: stability at high temperatures, low vapor pressure, liquid state in a large range of temperatures, ability to dissolve many inorganic and organic compounds, viscosity generally low (as ions are mutually independent) and high heat capacity per unit volume. \\nA recent review by Aneke and Wang (2016) on the energy storage technologies and real life applications [1], where different energy storage technologies were compared technically and their real life application analysed so as to understand the most widely applied technology in terms of scale, number of operational project and level of maturity, concluded that molten salts will continue to dominate the thermal energy storage sector for large scale applications. To design equipment that uses this type of melts, accurate data of the thermophysical properties are necessary, in order to save equipment and operational costs, Nunes et al (2003). However the current situation on available data on density, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and viscosity is far from being satisfactory, and reference data and correlations published by Janz group from NIST (then NBS) in the period 1972-1980 need a complete revision, on the light of the experimental methodologies used, published recently by Nunes et al (2016) for alkali nitrates.\\nIt is the purpose of this paper to analyze the present situation for molten alkali nitrates and carbonates, pure and eutectic melts for correlations for the dependence of the thermophysical properties on temperature, at atmospheric pressure, in wide ranges of temperature, for scientific and industrial use, with quoted uncertainties.
Catherine Bessada, Pierre Camelot and Michel Cassir
Date of Publication
11th International Symposium on Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology, May 19-23
Publication Identifiers
Orleans, France
Catherine Bessada, Pierre Camelot and Michel Cassir
Université d'Orleans