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Effects of psychosis-associated genetic markers on brain volumetry: a systematic review of replicated findings and an independent validation

Participantes na publicação
Nuno Vouga Ribeiro (Author)
Vânia Tavares (Author)
Elvira Bramon (Author)
Timothea Toulopoulou (Author)
Isabel Valli (Author)
Sukhi Shergill (Author)
Robin Murray (Author)
Diana Prata (Author)
Dep. Física

Data de Publicação

Psychological Medicine

Identificadores da Publicação
ISSN - 0033-2917

Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Número de Páginas
Página Inicial
Página Final

Identificadores do Documento

Identificadores de Qualidade
SCIMAGO Q1 (2021) - 2328 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2021) - 2328 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
Web Of Science Q1 (2021) - 10.592 - PSYCHIATRY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2021) - 10.592 - PSYCHIATRY - SSCI
Web Of Science Q1 (2021) - 10.592 - PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI
Web Of Science Q1 (2021) - 10.592 - PSYCHOLOGY - SCIE
SCOPUS Q1 (2021) - 11.5 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2021) - 11.5 - Applied Psychology
Web Of Science Q1 (2020) - 7.723 - PSYCHIATRY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2020) - 7.723 - PSYCHIATRY - SSCI
Web Of Science Q1 (2020) - 7.723 - PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI
Web Of Science Q1 (2020) - 7.723 - PSYCHOLOGY - SCIE
SCIMAGO Q1 (2020) - 2.857 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2020) - 2.857 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2020) - 10.2 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2020) - 10.2 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.903 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.903 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2019) - 9.5 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2019) - 9.5 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.813 - PSYCHOLOGY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.813 - PSYCHIATRY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.813 - PSYCHIATRY - SSCI
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.813 - PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL - SSCI
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.077 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.077 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
Web Of Science Q1 (2018) - 5.641 - PSYCHOLOGY - SCIE
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.274 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.274 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2017) - 3.274 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2017) - 3.274 - Psychiatry and Mental health
Web Of Science Q1 (2017) - 5.475 - PSYCHOLOGY - SCIE
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.307 - Applied Psychology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.307 - Psychiatry and Mental Health
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.307 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.307 - Psychiatry and Mental health
SCOPUS Q1 (2015) - 2.886 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2015) - 2.886 - Psychiatry and Mental health
SCOPUS Q1 (2014) - 3.087 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2014) - 3.087 - Psychiatry and Mental health
SCOPUS Q1 (2013) - 3.133 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2013) - 3.133 - Psychiatry and Mental health
SCOPUS Q1 (2012) - 3.278 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2012) - 3.278 - Psychiatry and Mental health
SCOPUS Q1 (2011) - 3.192 - Applied Psychology
SCOPUS Q1 (2011) - 3.192 - Psychiatry and Mental health

Exportar referência

Nuno Vouga Ribeiro, Vânia Tavares, Elvira Bramon, Timothea Toulopoulou, Isabel Valli, Sukhi Shergill, Robin Murray, Diana Prata, (2022). Effects of psychosis-associated genetic markers on brain volumetry: a systematic review of replicated findings and an independent validation. Psychological Medicine, 52, 3753-3768. ISSN 0033-2917. eISSN .

Nuno Vouga Ribeiro, Vânia Tavares, Elvira Bramon, Timothea Toulopoulou, Isabel Valli, Sukhi Shergill, Robin Murray, Diana Prata, "Effects of psychosis-associated genetic markers on brain volumetry: a systematic review of replicated findings and an independent validation" in Psychological Medicine, vol. 52, pp. 3753-3768, 2022. 10.1017/s0033291722002896

@article{57242, author = {Nuno Vouga Ribeiro and Vânia Tavares and Elvira Bramon and Timothea Toulopoulou and Isabel Valli and Sukhi Shergill and Robin Murray and Diana Prata}, title = {Effects of psychosis-associated genetic markers on brain volumetry: a systematic review of replicated findings and an independent validation}, journal = {Psychological Medicine}, year = 2022, pages = {3753-3768}, volume = 52 }