L. Pazart, S. Pelayo, T. Chevallier, G. Gruionu, P. Mabo, Y. Bayon, F. Barbot, T. Lihoreau, C. Roussel, N. Maglaveras, E. Lekka, H. Ferreira, I. Rocha, L. Geris, C. Lavet, (2021). Threats and Opportunities for the Clinical Investigation of High-risk Medical Devices in the Context of the New European Regulations. Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, -
L. Pazart, S. Pelayo, T. Chevallier, G. Gruionu, P. Mabo, Y. Bayon, F. Barbot, T. Lihoreau, C. Roussel, N. Maglaveras, E. Lekka, H. Ferreira, I. Rocha, L. Geris, C. Lavet, "Threats and Opportunities for the Clinical Investigation of High-risk Medical Devices in the Context of the New European Regulations" in Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Vienna, Austria, 2021, pp. -,
doi: 10.5220/0010382902740284
author = {L. Pazart and S. Pelayo and T. Chevallier and G. Gruionu and P. Mabo and Y. Bayon and F. Barbot and T. Lihoreau and C. Roussel and N. Maglaveras and E. Lekka and H. Ferreira and I. Rocha and L. Geris and C. Lavet},
title = {Threats and Opportunities for the Clinical Investigation of High-risk Medical Devices in the Context of the New European Regulations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies},
year = 2021,
pages = {-},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
publisher = {SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications}