Heidi Brice, Ricardo S. Ramalho, Jeremy Phillips, (2021). Landslide hazard at ocean island volcanoes: the case of Tope de Coroa (Santo Antão, Cape Verde Islands).
Heidi Brice, Ricardo S. Ramalho, Jeremy Phillips, "Landslide hazard at ocean island volcanoes: the case of Tope de Coroa (Santo Antão, Cape Verde Islands)", 2021.
author = {Heidi Brice and Ricardo S. Ramalho and Jeremy Phillips},
title = {Landslide hazard at ocean island volcanoes: the case of Tope de Coroa (Santo Antão, Cape Verde Islands)},
school = {University of Bristol},
year = {2021},
OPTtype = {Documentos Académicos},
OPTaddress = {Bristol},
OPTmonth = {July}