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Journal articles
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Full paper
El Cenomaniense-Turoniense de Tamajón (Guadalajara, España): contexto geológico, contenido fósil e interpretación paleoambiental.
Participants in the publication
Fernando Barroso-Barcenilla (Author)
Julia Audije-Gil (Author)
Mélani Berrocal-Casero (Author)
Pedro Miguel Callapez (Author)
Beatriz Carenas (Author)
María José Comas-Rengifo (Author)
Fernando García Joral (Author)
José Francisco García-Hidalgo (Author)
Javier Gil-Gil (Author)
Antonio Goy (Author)
Senay Amalia Ozkaya de Juanas (Author)
Sergio Rodríguez García (Author)
Vanda Faria dos Santos (Author)
Dep. Geologia
Manuel Segura (Author)
Paloma Sevilla (Author)
The Cenomanian-Turonian section (Upper Cretaceous) of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain) combines high scientific, educational and outreach values. Their materials unconformably lie onto Triassic deposits in Buntsandstein facies, being included into the Utrillas, Villa de Vés and Picofrentes formations, and the lower part of the Ciudad Encantada Formation. The section contains beds showing several tracks (occasionally trackways) of numerous crocodyliforms, a possible theropod dinosaur and some fishes, and different ichnofossils (mainly bioturbations Thalassinoides) usually caused by invertebrates. It also yields some fragments of trunks and branches of vascular plants, a high diversity of invertebrates, including scleractinian corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves (a high variety, including ostreids and rudists), gastropods, cephalopods (mainly ammonoids), echinoderms (echinoids), and decapod crustaceans, together\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nwith osteichtian and chondrichthyan fishes, and marine reptiles, among many other remains. The whole section records a marked marine transgression and the beginning of a regression, showing the change from a terrestrial and transitional setting, with vascular plants and crocodyliforms (Utrillas and Villa de Vés formations), to a fully marine environment, extraordinary rich in molluscs and other invertebrates (Picofrentes Formation), which finally was affected by a notable eustatic fall (lower part of Ciudad Encantada Formation).
Where published
Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Sección Geológica.
Publication Identifiers
ISSN - 0583-7510
Starting page
Last page
Document Identifiers