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H. Calado, C. Pegorelli, M. Vergílio, C. Hipólito, A. Campos, F. Moniz, A.C. Costa, C. Pereira da Silva, C. Fonseca, C. Frazão Santos, D. Gabriel, J. Guerreiro, A.J.F. Gil, D. Johnson, K. Ng, M.M. Monwar, M.A. Ventura, J.L. Suárez-de Vivero, M. Pinho, P. Borges, M. Caña-Varona, E.A. Papaioannou, (2021). Expert knowledge-based co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Policy, 133, ISSN 0308-597X. eISSN . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104741
H. Calado, C. Pegorelli, M. Vergílio, C. Hipólito, A. Campos, F. Moniz, A.C. Costa, C. Pereira da Silva, C. Fonseca, C. Frazão Santos, D. Gabriel, J. Guerreiro, A.J.F. Gil, D. Johnson, K. Ng, M.M. Monwar, M.A. Ventura, J.L. Suárez-de Vivero, M. Pinho, P. Borges, M. Caña-Varona, E.A. Papaioannou, "Expert knowledge-based co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic" in Marine Policy, vol. 133, 2021.
author = {H. Calado and C. Pegorelli and M. Vergílio and C. Hipólito and A. Campos and F. Moniz and A.C. Costa and C. Pereira da Silva and C. Fonseca and C. Frazão Santos and D. Gabriel and J. Guerreiro and A.J.F. Gil and D. Johnson and K. Ng and M.M. Monwar and M.A. Ventura and J.L. Suárez-de Vivero and M. Pinho and P. Borges and M. Caña-Varona and E.A. Papaioannou},
title = {Expert knowledge-based co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic},
journal = {Marine Policy},
year = 2021,
volume = 133