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Poster without full or short paper

Presence and diversity of Xf vectors, their vegetal hosts and functional diversity, under climatic conditions foreseen for the Iberian Peninsula due to the global warming effect.

Participantes na publicação
Neto C (Author)
Rebelo MT (Author)
Dep. Biologia Animal
Gomes L (Author)
Félix MR (Author)
Materatski P (Author)
Rei FT (Author)

Data de Publicação

Abstracts Book of the Second European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa: How Research Can Support Solutions.

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Página Final

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Neto C, Rebelo MT, Gomes L, Félix MR, Materatski P, Rei FT, (2019). Presence and diversity of Xf vectors, their vegetal hosts and functional diversity, under climatic conditions foreseen for the Iberian Peninsula due to the global warming effect. . Abstracts Book of the Second European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa: How Research Can Support Solutions., 84-84

Neto C, Rebelo MT, Gomes L, Félix MR, Materatski P, Rei FT, "Presence and diversity of Xf vectors, their vegetal hosts and functional diversity, under climatic conditions foreseen for the Iberian Peninsula due to the global warming effect. " in Abstracts Book of the Second European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa: How Research Can Support Solutions., , 2019, pp. 84-84, doi:

@InProceedings{54558, author = {Neto C and Rebelo MT and Gomes L and Félix MR and Materatski P and Rei FT}, title = {Presence and diversity of Xf vectors, their vegetal hosts and functional diversity, under climatic conditions foreseen for the Iberian Peninsula due to the global warming effect. }, booktitle = {Abstracts Book of the Second European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa: How Research Can Support Solutions.}, year = 2019, pages = {84-84}, address = {}, publisher = {} }