Seabra S.G., Rodrigues A.S., Marabuto E., Quartau J.A., Paulo O.S.., (2010). Patterns of genetic differentiation and detection of selection in populations of the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Cercopidae),. 13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, 28 de Junho a 4 de Julho, -
Seabra S.G., Rodrigues A.S., Marabuto E., Quartau J.A., Paulo O.S.., "Patterns of genetic differentiation and detection of selection in populations of the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Cercopidae)," in 13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, 28 de Junho a 4 de Julho, Vaison-la-Romaine, França, 2010, pp. -,
author = {Seabra S.G. and Rodrigues A.S. and Marabuto E. and Quartau J.A. and Paulo O.S..},
title = {Patterns of genetic differentiation and detection of selection in populations of the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Cercopidae),},
booktitle = {13th International Auchenorrhyncha Congress, 28 de Junho a 4 de Julho},
year = 2010,
pages = {-},
address = {Vaison-la-Romaine, França},
publisher = {}