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Romeiras M.M., Loureiro J., Vieira A., Castro S., Pina-Martins F., Veloso M., Moura M., Batista D., Paulo O.S., Duarte M.C.., (2010). Genetic diversity of the Portuguese wild Beta-Patellaria species complex using DNA barcoding and flow cytometry. International Symposium FloraMac , -
Romeiras M.M., Loureiro J., Vieira A., Castro S., Pina-Martins F., Veloso M., Moura M., Batista D., Paulo O.S., Duarte M.C.., "Genetic diversity of the Portuguese wild Beta-Patellaria species complex using DNA barcoding and flow cytometry" in International Symposium FloraMac , Ponta delgada, Portugal, 2010, pp. -,
author = {Romeiras M.M. and Loureiro J. and Vieira A. and Castro S. and Pina-Martins F. and Veloso M. and Moura M. and Batista D. and Paulo O.S. and Duarte M.C..},
title = {Genetic diversity of the Portuguese wild Beta-Patellaria species complex using DNA barcoding and flow cytometry},
booktitle = {International Symposium FloraMac },
year = 2010,
pages = {-},
address = {Ponta delgada, Portugal},
publisher = {}