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Marabuto E., Rebelo M.T., Paulo O.S.., (2010). Isolation in multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia and admixture explain the current genetic pattern in the butterfly Euchloe tagis. TIBE2010 - Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution, -
Marabuto E., Rebelo M.T., Paulo O.S.., "Isolation in multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia and admixture explain the current genetic pattern in the butterfly Euchloe tagis" in TIBE2010 - Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution, Vairão, Portugal, 2010, pp. -,
author = {Marabuto E. and Rebelo M.T. and Paulo O.S..},
title = {Isolation in multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia and admixture explain the current genetic pattern in the butterfly Euchloe tagis},
booktitle = {TIBE2010 - Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution},
year = 2010,
pages = {-},
address = {Vairão, Portugal},
publisher = {}