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Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints

Participantes na publicação
Wenhong Qiu (Author)
Ágata Alveirinho Dias (Author)
Isabel Maria Amaral Costa (Author)
Fernando J A S Barriga (Author)

The Menez Gwen hydrothermal field (37º50’N), is\\nlocated near the top of a young volcano at the Mid\\nAtlantic Ridge. It is characterized by small chimneys,\\ndiffuse venting associated with breccia cemented by\\nhydrothermal amorphous silica-barite. This work\\npresents in situ trace elemental and S isotopic\\ncompositions of pyrite and chalcopyrite in three types\\nof hydrothermal samples from this field: hightemperature chalcopyrite-pyrite chimney (HT-ch); midtemperature sphalerite-pyrite-barite chimney (MT-ch)\\nand low-temperature amorphous silica-barite breccia\\n(LT-br). The results show a systematic distribution of\\ntrace metals from LT-br to HT-ch. Trace metals of\\npyrite analysed on HT-ch samples contain higher\\nconcentrations of elements derived from high-T fluids\\n(e.g. Se, Co, Ni and Cu), indicating preferential\\nincorporation of these elements in the lattice of pyrite at\\nhigher-Ts. However, some pyrite-chalcopyrite\\naggregate identified within the base of LT-br also show\\nhigh-T derived elements, suggesting higher temperature\\nconditions below the sub-surface, probably as a result\\nof a decrease in permeability during slab formation.\\nFramboidal and colloform pyrite observed in most of\\nthe LT-br clearly display an enrichment of elements\\nderived from lower-T and oxidative conditions (e.g. Mn,\\nTl, Mo, Cr and V). Sulphide phases have δ34S values\\nranging from -2.5 to 7.8‰ with an average of 1.5‰,\\nindicating a mantle S source. Analyses of framboidal\\npyrite from LT-br show the lowest δ34S values, ranging\\nfrom -5.6‰ to -12.2‰, inferring the contribution of\\nbiogenic S. The chalcopyrite-pyrite pairs in HT-ch\\nshow an equilibrium fractionation of S isotope (Δ34SPyCpy: 0.2‰ to 1.4‰, average of 1.0‰), indicating a\\ntemperature ca. 390°C. Our study highlights that S and\\nmetals of sulphides in Mendez Gwen were derived\\nfrom the basement mafic crust leached by high-T\\nhydrothermal fluids, where the impermeable breccia\\nseems to work as a barrier for oxidative and biogenic\\ninvolvement beneath the sub-surface.

Data de Publicação

Goldschmidt Abstracts

Identificadores da Publicação

Geochemical Society

Identificadores do Documento

Menez Gwen hydrothermal processes sulfur isotopes geochemistry MAR

Marine Geology Deep-sea processes


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Wenhong Qiu, Ágata Alveirinho Dias, Isabel Maria Amaral Costa, Fernando J A S Barriga, (2020). Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints. Goldschmidt Abstracts, -

Wenhong Qiu, Ágata Alveirinho Dias, Isabel Maria Amaral Costa, Fernando J A S Barriga, "Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints" in Goldschmidt Abstracts, , 2020, pp. -, doi: 10.46427/gold2020.2143

@InProceedings{48145, author = {Wenhong Qiu and Ágata Alveirinho Dias and Isabel Maria Amaral Costa and Fernando J A S Barriga}, title = {Ore-Forming Process of the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field: In situ S Isotopes and Trace Metals Constraints}, booktitle = {Goldschmidt Abstracts}, year = 2020, pages = {-}, address = {}, publisher = {Geochemical Society} }