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Philippe Schnürle, Maryline Moulin, Alexandra Afilhado, Mikael Evain, Afonso Loureiro, Nuno Dias, Daniel Aslanian, (2018). From Rifting to Spreading: The Proto-Oceanic Crust. The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling,Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 329-331
Philippe Schnürle, Maryline Moulin, Alexandra Afilhado, Mikael Evain, Afonso Loureiro, Nuno Dias, Daniel Aslanian, "From Rifting to Spreading: The Proto-Oceanic Crust" in The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling,Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, 2018, pp. 329-331
author = {Philippe Schnürle and Maryline Moulin and Alexandra Afilhado and Mikael Evain and Afonso Loureiro and Nuno Dias and Daniel Aslanian},
title = {From Rifting to Spreading: The Proto-Oceanic Crust},
booktitle = {The Structural Geology Contribution to the Africa-Eurasia Geology: Basement and Reservoir Structure, Ore Mineralisation and Tectonic Modelling,Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation},
year = 2018,
pages = {329-331},
address = {},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing}