Wenhong Johnson Qiu , Ágata Alveirinho Dias, Fernando Barriga, Tao C, C Tao, (2019). Sulfide mineralization of the Saldanha hydrothermal field (MAR): constraints from sulfur isotope in-situ microanalysis. InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes, -
Wenhong Johnson Qiu , Ágata Alveirinho Dias, Fernando Barriga, Tao C, C Tao, "Sulfide mineralization of the Saldanha hydrothermal field (MAR): constraints from sulfur isotope in-situ microanalysis" in InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes, Hangzhou (September), 2019, pp. -,
author = {Wenhong Johnson Qiu and Ágata Alveirinho Dias and Fernando Barriga and Tao C and C Tao},
title = {Sulfide mineralization of the Saldanha hydrothermal field (MAR): constraints from sulfur isotope in-situ microanalysis},
booktitle = {InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes},
year = 2019,
pages = {-},
address = {Hangzhou (September)},
publisher = {InterRidge }