F. Ortega, N. Bardet, F. Barroso-Barcenilla, P.M. Callapez, O. Cambra-Moo, V. Daviero- Gómez, V. Díez Díaz, L. Domingo, A. Elvira, F. Escaso, M. García-Oliva, B. Gómez, A. Houssaye, F. Knoll, F. Marcos-Fernández, M. Martín, P. Mocho, I. Narváez, A. Pérez- García, D. Peyrot, M. Segura, H. Serrano, A. Torices, D. Vidal, J.L. Sanz, (2015). The biota of the Upper Cretaceous site of “Lo Hueco” (Cuenca, Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology, 41, ISSN 1886-7995,1698-6180. eISSN . http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_jige.2015.v41.n1.48657
F. Ortega, N. Bardet, F. Barroso-Barcenilla, P.M. Callapez, O. Cambra-Moo, V. Daviero- Gómez, V. Díez Díaz, L. Domingo, A. Elvira, F. Escaso, M. García-Oliva, B. Gómez, A. Houssaye, F. Knoll, F. Marcos-Fernández, M. Martín, P. Mocho, I. Narváez, A. Pérez- García, D. Peyrot, M. Segura, H. Serrano, A. Torices, D. Vidal, J.L. Sanz, "The biota of the Upper Cretaceous site of “Lo Hueco” (Cuenca, Spain)" in Journal of Iberian Geology, vol. 41, 2015.
author = {F. Ortega and N. Bardet and F. Barroso-Barcenilla and P.M. Callapez and O. Cambra-Moo and V. Daviero- Gómez and V. Díez Díaz and L. Domingo and A. Elvira and F. Escaso and M. García-Oliva and B. Gómez and A. Houssaye and F. Knoll and F. Marcos-Fernández and M. Martín and P. Mocho and I. Narváez and A. Pérez- García and D. Peyrot and M. Segura and H. Serrano and A. Torices and D. Vidal and J.L. Sanz},
title = {The biota of the Upper Cretaceous site of “Lo Hueco” (Cuenca, Spain)},
journal = {Journal of Iberian Geology},
year = 2015,
volume = 41