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Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream

Participantes na publicação
Anabela Oliveira (Author)
André B. Fortunato (Author)
Martha Guerreiro (Author)
Xavier Bertin (Author)
Nicolas Bruneau (Author)
Marta Rodrigues (Author)
Rui Taborda (Author)
César Andrade (Author)
Ana Maria Silva (Author)
Dep. Geologia
Carlos Antunes (Author)
Paula Freire (Author)
L. Simões Pedro (Author)
Guillaume Dodet (Author)
Carlos Loureiro (Author)
Ana Mendes (Author)

Data de Publicação

Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009) - 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling

Identificadores da Publicação
ISBN - 9780784411216

Seattle, Washington, United States

American Society of Civil Engineers

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Anabela Oliveira, André B. Fortunato, Martha Guerreiro, Xavier Bertin, Nicolas Bruneau, Marta Rodrigues, Rui Taborda, César Andrade, Ana Maria Silva, Carlos Antunes, Paula Freire, L. Simões Pedro, Guillaume Dodet, Carlos Loureiro, Ana Mendes, (2010). Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009) - 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, 601-620

Anabela Oliveira, André B. Fortunato, Martha Guerreiro, Xavier Bertin, Nicolas Bruneau, Marta Rodrigues, Rui Taborda, César Andrade, Ana Maria Silva, Carlos Antunes, Paula Freire, L. Simões Pedro, Guillaume Dodet, Carlos Loureiro, Ana Mendes, "Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream" in Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009) - 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Seattle, Washington, United States, 2010, pp. 601-620, doi: 10.1061/41121(388)36

@InProceedings{45688, author = {Anabela Oliveira and André B. Fortunato and Martha Guerreiro and Xavier Bertin and Nicolas Bruneau and Marta Rodrigues and Rui Taborda and César Andrade and Ana Maria Silva and Carlos Antunes and Paula Freire and L. Simões Pedro and Guillaume Dodet and Carlos Loureiro and Ana Mendes}, title = {Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream}, booktitle = {Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2009) - 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling}, year = 2010, pages = {601-620}, address = {Seattle, Washington, United States}, publisher = {American Society of Civil Engineers} }