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Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems

Participantes na publicação
Ulrich Brose (Author)
Phillippe Archambault (Author)
Andrew D. Barnes (Author)
Louis-Felix Bersier (Author)
Thomas Boy (Author)
João Canning-Clode (Author)
Erminia Conti (Author)
Marta Dias (Author)
Christoph Digel (Author)
Awantha Dissanayake (Author)
Augusto A. V. Flores (Author)
Katarina Fussmann (Author)
Benoit Gauzens (Author)
Clare Gray (Author)
Johanna Häussler (Author)
Myriam R. Hirt (Author)
Ute Jacob (Author)
Malte Jochum (Author)
Sonia Kéfi (Author)
Orla McLaughlin (Author)
Muriel M. MacPherson (Author)
Ellen Latz (Author)
Katrin Layer-Dobra (Author)
Pierre Legagneux (Author)
Yuanheng Li (Author)
Carolina Madeira (Author)
Neo D. Martinez (Author)
Vanessa Mendonça (Author)
Christian Mulder (Author)
Sergio A. Navarrete (Author)
Eoin J. O Gorman (Author)
David Ott (Author)
José Paula (Author)
Dep. Biologia Animal
Daniel Perkins (Author)
Denise Piechnik (Author)
Ivan Pokrovsky (Author)
David Raffaelli (Author)
Björn C. Rall (Author)
Benjamin Rosenbaum (Author)
Remo Ryser (Author)
Ana Silva (Author)
Esra H. Sohlström (Author)
Natalia Sokolova (Author)
Murray S. A. Thompson (Author)
Ross M. Thompson (Author)
Fanny Vermandele (Author)
Catarina Vinagre (Author)
Shaopeng Wang (Author)
Jori M. Wefer (Author)
Richard J. Williams (Author)
Evie Wieters (Author)
Guy Woodward (Author)
Alison C. Iles (Author)

Data de Publicação

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Identificadores da Publicação
ISSN - 2397-334X

Springer Science and Business Media LLC


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Identificadores de Qualidade
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 12.541 - ECOLOGY - SCIE

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Ulrich Brose, Phillippe Archambault, Andrew D. Barnes, Louis-Felix Bersier, Thomas Boy, João Canning-Clode, Erminia Conti, Marta Dias, Christoph Digel, Awantha Dissanayake, Augusto A. V. Flores, Katarina Fussmann, Benoit Gauzens, Clare Gray, Johanna Häussler, Myriam R. Hirt, Ute Jacob, Malte Jochum, Sonia Kéfi, Orla McLaughlin, Muriel M. MacPherson, Ellen Latz, Katrin Layer-Dobra, Pierre Legagneux, Yuanheng Li, Carolina Madeira, Neo D. Martinez, Vanessa Mendonça, Christian Mulder, Sergio A. Navarrete, Eoin J. O Gorman, David Ott, José Paula, Daniel Perkins, Denise Piechnik, Ivan Pokrovsky, David Raffaelli, Björn C. Rall, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Remo Ryser, Ana Silva, Esra H. Sohlström, Natalia Sokolova, Murray S. A. Thompson, Ross M. Thompson, Fanny Vermandele, Catarina Vinagre, Shaopeng Wang, Jori M. Wefer, Richard J. Williams, Evie Wieters, Guy Woodward, Alison C. Iles, (2019). Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3, 919-927. ISSN 2397-334X. eISSN .

Ulrich Brose, Phillippe Archambault, Andrew D. Barnes, Louis-Felix Bersier, Thomas Boy, João Canning-Clode, Erminia Conti, Marta Dias, Christoph Digel, Awantha Dissanayake, Augusto A. V. Flores, Katarina Fussmann, Benoit Gauzens, Clare Gray, Johanna Häussler, Myriam R. Hirt, Ute Jacob, Malte Jochum, Sonia Kéfi, Orla McLaughlin, Muriel M. MacPherson, Ellen Latz, Katrin Layer-Dobra, Pierre Legagneux, Yuanheng Li, Carolina Madeira, Neo D. Martinez, Vanessa Mendonça, Christian Mulder, Sergio A. Navarrete, Eoin J. O Gorman, David Ott, José Paula, Daniel Perkins, Denise Piechnik, Ivan Pokrovsky, David Raffaelli, Björn C. Rall, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Remo Ryser, Ana Silva, Esra H. Sohlström, Natalia Sokolova, Murray S. A. Thompson, Ross M. Thompson, Fanny Vermandele, Catarina Vinagre, Shaopeng Wang, Jori M. Wefer, Richard J. Williams, Evie Wieters, Guy Woodward, Alison C. Iles, "Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems" in Nature Ecology & Evolution, vol. 3, pp. 919-927, 2019. 10.1038/s41559-019-0899-x

@article{44351, author = {Ulrich Brose and Phillippe Archambault and Andrew D. Barnes and Louis-Felix Bersier and Thomas Boy and João Canning-Clode and Erminia Conti and Marta Dias and Christoph Digel and Awantha Dissanayake and Augusto A. V. Flores and Katarina Fussmann and Benoit Gauzens and Clare Gray and Johanna Häussler and Myriam R. Hirt and Ute Jacob and Malte Jochum and Sonia Kéfi and Orla McLaughlin and Muriel M. MacPherson and Ellen Latz and Katrin Layer-Dobra and Pierre Legagneux and Yuanheng Li and Carolina Madeira and Neo D. Martinez and Vanessa Mendonça and Christian Mulder and Sergio A. Navarrete and Eoin J. O Gorman and David Ott and José Paula and Daniel Perkins and Denise Piechnik and Ivan Pokrovsky and David Raffaelli and Björn C. Rall and Benjamin Rosenbaum and Remo Ryser and Ana Silva and Esra H. Sohlström and Natalia Sokolova and Murray S. A. Thompson and Ross M. Thompson and Fanny Vermandele and Catarina Vinagre and Shaopeng Wang and Jori M. Wefer and Richard J. Williams and Evie Wieters and Guy Woodward and Alison C. Iles}, title = {Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems}, journal = {Nature Ecology & Evolution}, year = 2019, pages = {919-927}, volume = 3 }