Coelho J., A. Cardoso, J. Ramos, A. Palavra, J. Barroso, A. C. Figueiredo, (2017). Comparative analysis of the composition of essential oils and supercritical CO2 oils from Agastache foeniculum aerial parts. Euroanalysis 2017, 28 de Agosto a 1 de Setembro, , 158-
Coelho J., A. Cardoso, J. Ramos, A. Palavra, J. Barroso, A. C. Figueiredo, "Comparative analysis of the composition of essential oils and supercritical CO2 oils from Agastache foeniculum aerial parts" in Euroanalysis 2017, 28 de Agosto a 1 de Setembro, , Estocolmo, Suécia, 2017, pp. 158-,
author = {Coelho J., A. Cardoso, J. Ramos, A. Palavra and J. Barroso and A. C. Figueiredo},
title = {Comparative analysis of the composition of essential oils and supercritical CO2 oils from Agastache foeniculum aerial parts},
booktitle = {Euroanalysis 2017, 28 de Agosto a 1 de Setembro, },
year = 2017,
pages = {158-},
address = {Estocolmo, Suécia},
publisher = {}