C. Rato, J. Sabino, L. Gurriana, L. Seabra, A. Gomes, G. Evans, J. Soares Augusto, A. Maio, (2016). The Interface and Control System of the Upgraded HVOpto/HVRemote Card of the TileCal. CETC 2016 – Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, -
C. Rato, J. Sabino, L. Gurriana, L. Seabra, A. Gomes, G. Evans, J. Soares Augusto, A. Maio, "The Interface and Control System of the Upgraded HVOpto/HVRemote Card of the TileCal" in CETC 2016 – Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Lisboa, Portugal, 2016, pp. -,
author = {C. Rato and J. Sabino and L. Gurriana and L. Seabra and A. Gomes and G. Evans and J. Soares Augusto and A. Maio},
title = {The Interface and Control System of the Upgraded HVOpto/HVRemote Card of the TileCal},
booktitle = {CETC 2016 – Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers},
year = 2016,
pages = {-},
address = {Lisboa, Portugal},
publisher = {}