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Drago, T., Freitas, M.C., Rocha, F., Cachão, M., Moreno, J., Naughton, F., Fradique, C., Silveira, T., Oliveira, A., Cascalho, J., Fatela, F., (2006). Paleoenvironmental evolution of estuarine systems during the last 14 000 years - the case of Douro estuary (NW Portugal).. Journal of Coastal Research, SI, 186-192. ISSN 0749-0208. eISSN . https://www.jstor.org/stable/25741559?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Drago, T., Freitas, M.C., Rocha, F., Cachão, M., Moreno, J., Naughton, F., Fradique, C., Silveira, T., Oliveira, A., Cascalho, J., Fatela, F., "Paleoenvironmental evolution of estuarine systems during the last 14 000 years - the case of Douro estuary (NW Portugal)." in Journal of Coastal Research, vol. SI, pp. 186-192, 2006.
author = {Drago, T. and Freitas, M.C. and Rocha, F. and Cachão, M. and Moreno, J. and Naughton, F. and Fradique, C. and Silveira, T. and Oliveira, A. and Cascalho, J. and Fatela, F.},
title = {Paleoenvironmental evolution of estuarine systems during the last 14 000 years - the case of Douro estuary (NW Portugal).},
journal = {Journal of Coastal Research},
year = 2006,
pages = {186-192},
volume = SI