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Máguas C., Pereira A.J., Ferreira J., Martins-Loução M.A., Marchante H., Marchante E., Schreck C., Freitas H., Ramos M., Ortemeier K., Müller A., Werner C., Correia O., (2007). Acacia longifolia invasiveness on Portuguese coastal dune systems: environmental and plant community changes. ICCD 2007 – Conferencia Internacional sobre Restauración y Gestión de las Dunas Costeras, -
Máguas C., Pereira A.J., Ferreira J., Martins-Loução M.A., Marchante H., Marchante E., Schreck C., Freitas H., Ramos M., Ortemeier K., Müller A., Werner C., Correia O., "Acacia longifolia invasiveness on Portuguese coastal dune systems: environmental and plant community changes" in ICCD 2007 – Conferencia Internacional sobre Restauración y Gestión de las Dunas Costeras, Santander, Espanha, 2007, pp. -,
author = {Máguas C. and Pereira A.J. and Ferreira J. and Martins-Loução M.A. and Marchante H. and Marchante E. and Schreck C. and Freitas H. and Ramos M. and Ortemeier K. and Müller A. and Werner C. and Correia O.},
title = {Acacia longifolia invasiveness on Portuguese coastal dune systems: environmental and plant community changes},
booktitle = {ICCD 2007 – Conferencia Internacional sobre Restauración y Gestión de las Dunas Costeras},
year = 2007,
pages = {-},
address = {Santander, Espanha},
publisher = {}