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Martinez-Recio J., Cruz C., Dias T., Morán J., Lamsfus C., Aparicio-Tejo P.M., Moro B.G., Mota M., Antunes P., Costa H., Martins-Loução M.A., (2007). Does sugar bypass ammonium toxicity?. Atmospheric Pollution and global Change (APGC), -
Martinez-Recio J., Cruz C., Dias T., Morán J., Lamsfus C., Aparicio-Tejo P.M., Moro B.G., Mota M., Antunes P., Costa H., Martins-Loução M.A., "Does sugar bypass ammonium toxicity?" in Atmospheric Pollution and global Change (APGC), Edimburgo, UK, 2007, pp. -,
author = {Martinez-Recio J. and Cruz C. and Dias T. and Morán J. and Lamsfus C. and Aparicio-Tejo P.M. and Moro B.G. and Mota M. and Antunes P. and Costa H. and Martins-Loução M.A.},
title = {Does sugar bypass ammonium toxicity?},
booktitle = {Atmospheric Pollution and global Change (APGC)},
year = 2007,
pages = {-},
address = {Edimburgo, UK},
publisher = {}