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The effect of the DISC1 Ser704Cys polymorphism on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity: an [18F]-DOPA PET study

Participantes na publicação
Tarik Dahoun (Author)
Antonio F Pardiñas (Author)
Mattia Veronese (Author)
Michael A P Bloomfield (Author)
Sameer Jauhar (Author)
Ilaria Bonoldi (Author)
Sean Froudist-Walsh (Author)
Chiara Nosarti (Author)
Carsten Korth (Author)
William Hennah (Author)
James Walters (Author)
Diana Prata (Author)
Dep. Física
Oliver D Howes (Author)

Data de Publicação

Human Molecular Genetics

Identificadores da Publicação
ISSN - 0964-6906

Oxford University Press (OUP)


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Página Final

Identificadores do Documento

Identificadores de Qualidade
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Genetics
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Genetics (clinical)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Medicine (miscellaneous)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Molecular Biology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Genetics
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Genetics (clinical)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Medicine (miscellaneous)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Molecular Biology
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.097 - Genetics
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.097 - Genetics (clinical)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.097 - Medicine (miscellaneous)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2018) - 3.097 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2011) - 4.873 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2011) - 4.873 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2011) - 4.873 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2012) - 5.093 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2012) - 5.093 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2012) - 5.093 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2013) - 4.981 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2013) - 4.981 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2013) - 4.981 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2014) - 4.568 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2014) - 4.568 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2014) - 4.568 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2015) - 4.308 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2015) - 4.308 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2015) - 4.308 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - General Medicine
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2016) - 3.698 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Genetics
SCOPUS Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Genetics(clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2017) - 3.555 - Molecular Biology
Web Of Science Q1 (2017) - 4.902 - BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2017) - 4.902 - GENETICS & HEREDITY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2018) - 4.544 - BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2018) - 4.544 - GENETICS & HEREDITY - SCIE
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.89 - Genetics
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.89 - Genetics (clinical)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.89 - Medicine (miscellaneous)
SCIMAGO Q1 (2019) - 2.89 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2019) - 8.7 - Genetics (clinical)
SCOPUS Q1 (2019) - 8.7 - Molecular Biology
SCOPUS Q1 (2019) - 8.7 - Genetics
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.100 - BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - SCIE
Web Of Science Q1 (2019) - 5.100 - GENETICS & HEREDITY - SCIE

Exportar referência

Tarik Dahoun, Antonio F Pardiñas, Mattia Veronese, Michael A P Bloomfield, Sameer Jauhar, Ilaria Bonoldi, Sean Froudist-Walsh, Chiara Nosarti, Carsten Korth, William Hennah, James Walters, Diana Prata, Oliver D Howes, (2018). The effect of the DISC1 Ser704Cys polymorphism on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity: an [18F]-DOPA PET study. Human Molecular Genetics, 27, 3498-3506. ISSN 0964-6906. eISSN .

Tarik Dahoun, Antonio F Pardiñas, Mattia Veronese, Michael A P Bloomfield, Sameer Jauhar, Ilaria Bonoldi, Sean Froudist-Walsh, Chiara Nosarti, Carsten Korth, William Hennah, James Walters, Diana Prata, Oliver D Howes, "The effect of the DISC1 Ser704Cys polymorphism on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity: an [18F]-DOPA PET study" in Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 27, pp. 3498-3506, 2018. 10.1093/hmg/ddy242

@article{37290, author = {Tarik Dahoun and Antonio F Pardiñas and Mattia Veronese and Michael A P Bloomfield and Sameer Jauhar and Ilaria Bonoldi and Sean Froudist-Walsh and Chiara Nosarti and Carsten Korth and William Hennah and James Walters and Diana Prata and Oliver D Howes}, title = {The effect of the DISC1 Ser704Cys polymorphism on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity: an [18F]-DOPA PET study}, journal = {Human Molecular Genetics}, year = 2018, pages = {3498-3506}, volume = 27 }