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Lopes M.C., Nunes V.L., Pina-Martins F., Böhme M.U., Berendonk T.U., Ferrand N., Paulo O.S.., (2007). Analysis of the genetic structure of Schreiber´s green lizard: conservation implications for an endemic species. . XI Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, -
Lopes M.C., Nunes V.L., Pina-Martins F., Böhme M.U., Berendonk T.U., Ferrand N., Paulo O.S.., "Analysis of the genetic structure of Schreiber´s green lizard: conservation implications for an endemic species. " in XI Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala, Suécia, 2007, pp. -,
author = {Lopes M.C. and Nunes V.L. and Pina-Martins F. and Böhme M.U. and Berendonk T.U. and Ferrand N. and Paulo O.S..},
title = {Analysis of the genetic structure of Schreiber´s green lizard: conservation implications for an endemic species. },
booktitle = {XI Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology},
year = 2007,
pages = {-},
address = {Uppsala, Suécia},
publisher = {}