Y.Brun, R.Desmarais, K.Geihs, M.Litoiu, Antónia Lopes, M. Shaw, M. Smith, (2013). A Design Space for Adaptive Systems. Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II, -
Y.Brun, R.Desmarais, K.Geihs, M.Litoiu, Antónia Lopes, M. Shaw, M. Smith, "A Design Space for Adaptive Systems" in Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II, 2013, pp. -
author = {Y.Brun and R.Desmarais and K.Geihs and M.Litoiu and Antónia Lopes and M. Shaw and M. Smith},
title = {A Design Space for Adaptive Systems},
booktitle = {Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems II},
year = 2013,
pages = {-},
address = {},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}