Luis Antunes, João Balsa, Luis Moniz, Paulo Urbano, Catarina Roseta Palma, (2005). Tax compliance in a simulated heterogeneous multi-agent society. AAMAS 2005 Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July 2005., -
Luis Antunes, João Balsa, Luis Moniz, Paulo Urbano, Catarina Roseta Palma, "Tax compliance in a simulated heterogeneous multi-agent society" in AAMAS 2005 Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July 2005., Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2005, pp. -,
author = {Luis Antunes and João Balsa and Luis Moniz and Paulo Urbano and Catarina Roseta Palma},
title = {Tax compliance in a simulated heterogeneous multi-agent society},
booktitle = {AAMAS 2005 Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July 2005.},
year = 2005,
pages = {-},
address = {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
publisher = {}