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Silveira, G. M., L. P. Vinnik, S. Kiselev, V. Farra, M. Weber, E. Stutzmann., (2011). Cape Verde Hotspot from the Upper Crust to the Top of the Lower Mantle. 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, -
Silveira, G. M., L. P. Vinnik, S. Kiselev, V. Farra, M. Weber, E. Stutzmann., "Cape Verde Hotspot from the Upper Crust to the Top of the Lower Mantle" in 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (EUA), 2011, pp. -,
author = {Silveira, G. M. and L. P. Vinnik, S. Kiselev, V. Farra, M. Weber, E. Stutzmann.},
title = {Cape Verde Hotspot from the Upper Crust to the Top of the Lower Mantle},
booktitle = {2011 AGU Fall Meeting},
year = 2011,
pages = {-},
address = {San Francisco, California (EUA)},
publisher = {}