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Dodet, G., Bertin, X., Taborda, R.., (2010). Wave climate and storminess variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the last six decades. 17th Waves In Shallow water Environment meeting, -
Dodet, G., Bertin, X., Taborda, R.., "Wave climate and storminess variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the last six decades" in 17th Waves In Shallow water Environment meeting, Brest (França), 2010, pp. -,
author = {Dodet, G. and Bertin, X. and Taborda, R..},
title = {Wave climate and storminess variability in the North-East Atlantic Ocean over the last six decades},
booktitle = {17th Waves In Shallow water Environment meeting},
year = 2010,
pages = {-},
address = {Brest (França)},
publisher = {}