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Rosas FM, F.O. Marques, M. Ballèvre, C. Tassinar, (2008). Geodynamic evolution of the SW Variscides: orogenic collapse shown by new tectonometamorphic and isotopic data from western Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia. TECTONICS, 27, ISSN 0278-7407. eISSN .
Rosas FM, F.O. Marques, M. Ballèvre, C. Tassinar, "Geodynamic evolution of the SW Variscides: orogenic collapse shown by new tectonometamorphic and isotopic data from western Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia" in TECTONICS, vol. 27, 2008.
author = {Rosas FM and F.O. Marques and M. Ballèvre and C. Tassinar},
title = {Geodynamic evolution of the SW Variscides: orogenic collapse shown by new tectonometamorphic and isotopic data from western Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia},
journal = {TECTONICS},
year = 2008,
volume = 27