A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. M. Lacerda, R. Neto-Henriques, R. Maximiano, R. Loução, H. A. Ferreira, (2015). MIBCA: a toolbox for processing and analysis of multimodal imaging and connectivity data. 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015), -
A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. M. Lacerda, R. Neto-Henriques, R. Maximiano, R. Loução, H. A. Ferreira, "MIBCA: a toolbox for processing and analysis of multimodal imaging and connectivity data" in 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015), London, UK, 2015, pp. -,
author = {A. Santos-Ribeiro and L. M. Lacerda and R. Neto-Henriques and R. Maximiano and R. Loução and H. A. Ferreira},
title = {MIBCA: a toolbox for processing and analysis of multimodal imaging and connectivity data},
booktitle = {2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015)},
year = 2015,
pages = {-},
address = {London, UK},
publisher = {}