S. BRANDAO, T. H. DA ROZA, M. PARENTE, H. A. FERREIRA, T. MASCARENHAS, I. RAMOS, R. N. JORGE, (2012). Magnetic resonance tractography as a means to evaluate pubovisceral muscle fibers. International Urogynecological Association 2012, -
S. BRANDAO, T. H. DA ROZA, M. PARENTE, H. A. FERREIRA, T. MASCARENHAS, I. RAMOS, R. N. JORGE, "Magnetic resonance tractography as a means to evaluate pubovisceral muscle fibers" in International Urogynecological Association 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 2012, pp. -,
author = {S. BRANDAO and T. H. DA ROZA and M. PARENTE and H. A. FERREIRA and T. MASCARENHAS and I. RAMOS and R. N. JORGE},
title = {Magnetic resonance tractography as a means to evaluate pubovisceral muscle fibers},
booktitle = {International Urogynecological Association 2012},
year = 2012,
pages = {-},
address = {Brisbane, Australia},
publisher = {}