Hugo Ferreira, Carmen Ferra, Pedro Gonçalves-Pereira, Rui Manaças, Alexandre Andrade, (2012). Pipeline methodology for structural connectivity analysis: application to the normal brain. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2012, -
Hugo Ferreira, Carmen Ferra, Pedro Gonçalves-Pereira, Rui Manaças, Alexandre Andrade, "Pipeline methodology for structural connectivity analysis: application to the normal brain" in Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2012, Beijing, China, 2012, pp. -,
author = {Hugo Ferreira and Carmen Ferra and Pedro Gonçalves-Pereira and Rui Manaças and Alexandre Andrade},
title = {Pipeline methodology for structural connectivity analysis: application to the normal brain},
booktitle = {Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2012},
year = 2012,
pages = {-},
address = {Beijing, China},
publisher = {}