Dias T, Cerqueira C, Chaves S, Tenreiro R, Martins-Loução MA, Sheppard L, Cruz C., (2011). Separating the effects of N-driven changes in litter quality and soil microbial communities on decomposition in a Mediterranean ecosystem. -, -
Dias T, Cerqueira C, Chaves S, Tenreiro R, Martins-Loução MA, Sheppard L, Cruz C., "Separating the effects of N-driven changes in litter quality and soil microbial communities on decomposition in a Mediterranean ecosystem" in -, 2011, pp. -
author = {Dias T and Cerqueira C and Chaves S and Tenreiro R and Martins-Loução MA and Sheppard L and Cruz C.},
title = {Separating the effects of N-driven changes in litter quality and soil microbial communities on decomposition in a Mediterranean ecosystem},
booktitle = {-},
year = 2011,
pages = {-},
address = {Edinburgh, United Kingdom},
publisher = {}