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Gonçalves, M., Mateus, A., Barriga, F. J. A. S., (1995). Structural Control of Gold Occurrences in the Arouca Region and their Relationships to the Carboniferous Trough Shear Zone (NW Portugal). XIII Reunión del Oeste Peninsular, -
Gonçalves, M., Mateus, A., Barriga, F. J. A. S., "Structural Control of Gold Occurrences in the Arouca Region and their Relationships to the Carboniferous Trough Shear Zone (NW Portugal)" in XIII Reunión del Oeste Peninsular, Salamanca, 1995, pp. -,
author = {Gonçalves, M. and Mateus, A. and Barriga, F. J. A. S.},
title = {Structural Control of Gold Occurrences in the Arouca Region and their Relationships to the Carboniferous Trough Shear Zone (NW Portugal)},
booktitle = {XIII Reunión del Oeste Peninsular},
year = 1995,
pages = {-},
address = {Salamanca},
publisher = {}