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S.C. Marques, J.S. Marcuzzo, A.S. Mestre, R. Dias, C.O. Ania, A.P. Carvalho, (2015). Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on carbons of different morphologies. Carbon 2015 (The Anual World Conference of Carbon), -
S.C. Marques, J.S. Marcuzzo, A.S. Mestre, R. Dias, C.O. Ania, A.P. Carvalho, "Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on carbons of different morphologies" in Carbon 2015 (The Anual World Conference of Carbon), Dresden, Germany, 2015, pp. -,
author = {S.C. Marques and J.S. Marcuzzo and A.S. Mestre and R. Dias and C.O. Ania and A.P. Carvalho},
title = {Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on carbons of different morphologies},
booktitle = {Carbon 2015 (The Anual World Conference of Carbon)},
year = 2015,
pages = {-},
address = {Dresden, Germany},
publisher = {}