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Artigo Completo

Estuarine fish communities' responses to climatic instability: influence of an extreme drought event.

Participantes na publicação
J. Baptista (Author)
F. Martinho (Author)
M. Dolbeth (Author)
I. Viegas (Author)
R. Leitão (Author)
H.N. Cabral (Author)
Dep. Biologia Animal
M.A. Pardal (Author)

Data de Publicação

ECSA Local Meeting “Climate Change Impacts on South-European Coastal Ecosystems”.

Identificadores da Publicação

Lisboa, Portugal

Exportar referência

J. Baptista, F. Martinho, M. Dolbeth, I. Viegas, R. Leitão, H.N. Cabral, M.A. Pardal, (2008). Estuarine fish communities' responses to climatic instability: influence of an extreme drought event. . ECSA Local Meeting “Climate Change Impacts on South-European Coastal Ecosystems”. , -

J. Baptista, F. Martinho, M. Dolbeth, I. Viegas, R. Leitão, H.N. Cabral, M.A. Pardal, "Estuarine fish communities' responses to climatic instability: influence of an extreme drought event. " in ECSA Local Meeting “Climate Change Impacts on South-European Coastal Ecosystems”. , Lisboa, Portugal, 2008, pp. -, doi:

@InProceedings{23081, author = {J. Baptista and F. Martinho and M. Dolbeth and I. Viegas and R. Leitão and H.N. Cabral and M.A. Pardal}, title = {Estuarine fish communities' responses to climatic instability: influence of an extreme drought event. }, booktitle = {ECSA Local Meeting “Climate Change Impacts on South-European Coastal Ecosystems”. }, year = 2008, pages = {-}, address = {Lisboa, Portugal}, publisher = {} }