Maíra Aguiar, Russell Alpízar-Jara, Carlos Braumann, Fabio Chalub, Peyman Ghaffari, Bob Kooi, Luis Mateus, Paula Rodrigues, Nico Stollenwerk, Ezio Venturino, (2016). Seventh Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences: Book of Abstracts
Maíra Aguiar, Russell Alpízar-Jara, Carlos Braumann, Fabio Chalub, Peyman Ghaffari, Bob Kooi, Luis Mateus, Paula Rodrigues, Nico Stollenwerk, Ezio Venturino, "Seventh Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences: Book of Abstracts", 2016
author = {Maíra Aguiar and Russell Alpízar-Jara and Carlos Braumann and Fabio Chalub and Peyman Ghaffari and Bob Kooi and Luis Mateus and Paula Rodrigues and Nico Stollenwerk and Ezio Venturino},
title = {Seventh Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences: Book of Abstracts},
year = 2016,
publisher = {}