Fonseca, P. E., Azevedo, M., Pimentel, N., Pena dos Reis, R., Barberes, G.., (2014). Tectonic deformation: good or bad for shale gas exploration? The case of the SW Iberian Variscan Chain. GeoShale2014, -
Fonseca, P. E., Azevedo, M., Pimentel, N., Pena dos Reis, R., Barberes, G.., "Tectonic deformation: good or bad for shale gas exploration? The case of the SW Iberian Variscan Chain" in GeoShale2014, Poland, 2014, pp. -,
author = {Fonseca, P. E. and Azevedo, M. and Pimentel, N. and Pena dos Reis, R. and Barberes, G..},
title = {Tectonic deformation: good or bad for shale gas exploration? The case of the SW Iberian Variscan Chain},
booktitle = {GeoShale2014},
year = 2014,
pages = {-},
address = {Poland},
publisher = {}