Maria Ivette Gomes, Frederico Caeiro, Dinis Pestana, Fernanda Figueiredo, Laurens de Haan, (2003). Linear combinations and bias reduction in the estimation of heavy tails. Workshop Extremes, Risk and Resampling Techniques, 31-36
Maria Ivette Gomes, Frederico Caeiro, Dinis Pestana, Fernanda Figueiredo, Laurens de Haan, "Linear combinations and bias reduction in the estimation of heavy tails" in Workshop Extremes, Risk and Resampling Techniques, Tomar, 2003, pp. 31-36,
author = {Maria Ivette Gomes and Frederico Caeiro and Dinis Pestana and Fernanda Figueiredo and Laurens de Haan},
title = {Linear combinations and bias reduction in the estimation of heavy tails},
booktitle = {Workshop Extremes, Risk and Resampling Techniques},
year = 2003,
pages = {31-36},
address = {Tomar},
publisher = {}